We send the latest information from SMC Laboratories.
SMC announced that University of Nebraska has published the results of a study using STAM™ model on Bioc…
SMC announced that Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation has published the results of a study…
SMC announced that FDA-National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) published the results of a study usin…
SMC announces that Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has published the results of a study using the STAM™ mod…
SMC announced that Kanagawa University of Human Services has published the results of a study using STAM&trade…
SMC announced that Osaka Medical College presented results of a study using STAM™ model at poster presen…
SMC announced that TSUMURA & Co. presented results of a study using STAM™ model at poster presentati…
SMC announced that Phenex Pharmaceuticals AG presented results of a study using STAM™ model at oral pres…
SMC announced that Pharmaxis Ltd has published the results of a study using STAM™ model on Journal of Ce…
SMC announced that the results of a study in the STAM™ mouse model of NASH performed by SMC Laboratories…