
Hyogo Medical University publishes HBV study featuring our histopathological analysis of hepatic steatosis

SMC is proud to announce that Hyogo Medical University (JPN) has published a study featuring histopathological data evaluated by our scientists here at SMC.



Association of PNPLA3 SNP With the Development of HBV-related Hepatocellular Carcinoma

(Enomoto H, et al. In Vivo. 2023)


The article above looks at the role that Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 rs738409 gene single-nucleotide polymorphisms (PNPLA3 SNPs) play in the development of hepatic steatosis and how that can increase the risk of developing HCC for HBV patients. For this study, our histopathologists analyzed liver biopsies obtained from HBV patients in order to evaluate hepatic steatosis.

This study found that the occurrence of HCC was significantly higher in patients who had developed hepatic steatosis than those who had not. Furthermore, it was observed that insulin resistance and PNPLA3 SNP mutations were also significantly increased in those with hepatic steatosis. This data suggests that hepatic steatosis, insulin resistance and PNPLA3 SNP all increase the risk of developing HCC associated with HBV.


From this paper, it is easy to see the great importance that histopathological analysis plays in improving our understanding of liver diseases like HBV and HCC. Thanks to studies like this one, we are one step closer to developing an effective treatment for liver cancer.

That is why, here at SMC, our focus is on offering in-vivo animal models with a high clinical correlation, such as our  NASH-HCC model called STAM™, as well as high quality histopathological evaluation services.  

We can evaluate many different indications such as NASH and fibrosis, not only in non-clinical studies, but in clinical studies as well. If you would like to learn more about this, then please click here.


If you are interested our histopathological services, or would like to conduct a study, please feel free to get in contact with us.