Sample delivery service of disease model mice
Today, we would like to proposal on how to utilize samples of our disease model mice.
We have provided many drug efficacy evaluation studies, including our STAMTM model is the world’s first NASH to HCC mouse model developed by SMC Laboratories, which develops liver cancer from NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). We have received many requests to “We first need to check the expression of the target!” In order to make STAMTM mice available more widely, we are offering samples delivery service of the STAMTM mice.
The STAMTM model shows progression from NASH to liver cancer, with a disease state similar to human NASH (fatty liver yazirusi NASH yazirusi cirrhosis yazirusi HCC). However, it does not cause cirrhosis. Therefore, this model can be used in combination with the CCl4 model, a model of cirrhosis, to complement the pathology and provide a comprehensive evaluation.
Sample examples:
Frozen tissue samples (frozen liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.)
Tissue samples (FFPE/OCT block and slides)
Blood samples (serum/plasma)
*We can also take samples other than the above on request.
To validate the efficacy of your candidate compounds, why not first conduct an analysis using samples from the STAMTM or CCl4 models? In addition to the STAMTM model, we can also provide samples from a variety of other mouse models of disease states.
If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.