
Pulse oximetry analysis of IPF model mice

Pulse oximetry analysis begins in IPF preclinical pharmacology study.


We offer the Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) model as a potential model for the development of therapeutics for lung fibrosis, and many of our customers have used this model through our introduction of its usefulness.
Our Advantages
– We have started measuring SpO2 using a pulse oximeter. SpO2 measurement is an evaluation suitable for repeatedly monitoring the in life part of studies due to less stress towards mice.

– We have a micro-CT for animals, so we can also evaluate lung fibrosis using micro-CT. Combined with CT analysis, it can compensate for changes in lung structure (=degree of fibrosis) which cannot be assessed by SpO2.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or would like to request more information.