You can view the research column published every month by SMC Laboratories.
Today, we would like to introduce to you a study published by our client, MRM Health, in which they used our p…
Today’s topic is Effective and Safe Nutritional Supplements for NASH Management. I am writing you to int…
We would like to introduce today a NASH-HCC model from SMC Laboratories (“STAMTM mice”) for your oncology R&a…
We would like to introduce a new publication using the STAM™ model presented by our client NeuroVive in Cells….
STAM™ was originally developed as a NASH model, but with a 100% incidence of HCC as early as 20 weeks, it is a…
One factor that must be considered when selecting models for pre-clinical research is translatability. As of J…
One of our clients FDA-National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) has published the results of a study …
We announced that a study in the STAM™ mouse model of NASH performed by SMC Laboratories Inc. has been publish…
We announced that Dr. Karin’s group has presented the results of a study using STAM TM model in PNAS. Title: &…
We announced that a study in the STAM™ mouse model of NASH performed by SMC Laboratories Inc. has been publish…
We can help you advance your research.