
Drug Efficacy Studies in Custom Model_ Muscular Dystrophy Mouse Model

In order to meet the diversifying needs of our clients, we often use our years of expertise conducting preclinical animal models to help our clients establish custom models that are not currently on our lineup. This process involves evaluating the potential efficacy of a model based on the available literature and then running the model to establish it.


To give you a clear idea of how this service works, I would like to go over an example of a custom model that we were able to successfully establish and modify with our client, GN corporation (Preethy et al., Scientific Reports, 2023).


Title: “Resolution of fibrosis in mdx dystrophic mouse after oral consumption of N-163 strain of Aureobasidium pullulans produced β-glucan


KEYWORD: Muscular Dystrophy, β-glucans, Nutrition


This paper reviews the results of a drug efficacy study that was conducted here at SMC Laboratories using the mdx mice. The mdx Mice is a widely used pathological model which has a similar pathogenesis to Duchenne muscular dystrophy in humans.In this paper, mdx mice were treated with a β-glucan derived from the N-163 strain of Aureobasidium pullulans.


The mdx mice that was used in this paper was a model that we had no experience with prior to this study. However, we were able to work with GN Corporation to successfully establish and modify the model.


So if you are looking to use a model that we do not currently have on our lineup, or would like to modify one of our existing models to fit the needs of your study, then please do not hesitate to let us know.